Waiting to be connected
We made it safely to France and Wilf and Digby are in fine form. Our lack of news reflects France Telecoms inability to connect us to the internet - we are having to use a steam powered connection that links at 2kb's which takes forever and makes blogging impossible. I'm in London today - hence the post on the hotel computer - and 'the font' has been to Toulouse to remonstrate with France Telecoms local office. Thanks for all your comments. Talk (hopefully ) soon.
Happy to hear from you!
Oh, to be in London!
We've been looking for you every day. Hope things are going good!!
so glad your move went good, anxious to hear about your new digs and how the dogs are adjusting..
Hey there Angus
Its wonderful to hear from you guys again. I was so worried that you had decided to simply disappear. How are Wilf and Digby? Hope you are settling into your new abode and that you will start blogging again soon...we've missed you.
Yeah, Max has a question-mark over his head, but he is still his friendly, happy and fairly energetic self...except for this panting. It might well just be the heat and the concern about our concern, but the tumour is really worrying. Anyway, hopefully we'll have some more answers on Monday an hopefully they will be good.
Lots of love to you and the font.
Please stay in touch.
We are so glad to hear you made it...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
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