Friday 3 July 2009

Where have all the jobs gone?

Spoke last night with an old American friend working in a Wall Street firm in London . He came up with a frightening pre-July 4th holiday statistic. In December 1999 there were 130.53m people officially employed in the US. As of the end of June 2009 there were 131.69m people in employment. If the economy loses a further 1.16m jobs over the next six months ( it lost another 467,000 in June ) then there will have been zero job creation in the entire first decade of the new century. I'm sure the figures for the UK,Canada,Germany etc won't be that different. Here in Italy unemployment is soon expected to reach 11% - a high number in a country with absolutely no unemployment benefits.

Up and out early with the boyz this morning to check on the trees and water the lavender plots. Boy is it hot! Real New Orleans type weather. Serious thought will need to be given to getting up at 4.30 am in order to avoid the heat. The enforced 50% ration diet seems to be having an effect at long last. Wilf has certainly shed a few pounds and Digby seems to be losing it in certain places while stubbornly retaining it around the midrift. Perhaps he will regain a waspish waistline when the weather cools down again.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We're concerned about the economy too, not just here in America but everywhere. At the present time my son is out of a job and doesn't seem to think there will be an offer for quite some time. It's scary for him.

The boys both look quite sturdy and healthy. I always love to see their pictures. They are a delight.

Have a wonderful Friday.

Lynn and the "Arrrooo Crew"

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

Ha! did not realize that your name was Digby! where did your humans come up with that name? there is a town named Digby where we live--we just did a post on Digby this week! very interesting! cheers!