Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Digby takes an arch dislike to a packer.

Winter has arrived. Yesterday afternoon a sudden squall blew in bringing with it a downpour of rattling hail and a bracing wave of frigid air from Siberia - the temperature fell from 28 to 14 degrees in half an hour. While we are complaining, the two boyz are in seventh heaven. This morning it is barely eight degrees and their Polish cold weather DNA has reasserted itself - they have rediscovered that boundless energy of puppyhood and are flying across the fields enjoying the arctic conditions. The removal men are doing a great job. A quarter of the house is now echoingly bare, a half in a state of chaos, and the final quarter still bearing some resemblance to a home.

We have a bit of a problem with the packers. For some reason Digby has taken a violent dislike to one of them. We simply can't work it out. He ignores all the others, but with this one guy he becomes a fifteen inch tall growling, snarling ,horrible aggressive beast. Naturally,Wilf is happy to play with them all. We wonder if the packer doesn't remind him of one of the robbers.

I was able to save the 'fonts' clothing yesterday but the bulk of mine had disappeared into those strange hanging wardrobes that packers use. This morning I am therefore combating the cold by wearing the top from a pair of British Airways pyjamas under my shirt. In addition I have come across a marvellous pair of 'combat pants' that belong to a younger Angus. In future I shall only ever wear combat pants - I can carry a monkey wrench, a can of WD40, the car keys, twine, a pair of pliers ,and still have pockets left over. The 'font' has so far not commented on my attire - the imminent arrival of the packers being a helpful distraction. Let's just hope that I'm not expected to go to any fancy restaurants on the journey to France - I fear that I shall have to rely on liberated 'younger Angus' clothing which may raise eyebrows when adorning the older Angus figure.


Maxmom said...

Hey there, Angus
So things seem be on track, it seems. The description of yourself sounds really funny! We take it, the 'au naturelle' idea didn't sit comfortably. I suppose with the weather you would have matched the deep blue ocean.
As for Digby...trust him! (Im not sure with what, but dogs do know things we don't...at least I thinks so)
Im not sure if I'll post today, but Toffee is back at the Vet. They say they want to 'flush him out'...sounds like an unwelcome mouse!
Anyway good luck with all the events there. Perhaps you can tell us in a post the reason for your move...I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Take care and happy packing.
Max's mom

Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

oh the mental picture!!

All the best to you both, in fact all four of you.

Angus said...

Max - Keep us in touch with Toffee - I think he's a soul mate of Digby's. Read the blog for April 9th and you'll understand.

Fi - Thank you

shane rocket said...

hee hee the "font" is none the wiser...!

and is there any?? chance it could be one of the robbers??!! the boys are so mellow and that seems odd? good luck on your clothes, or lack there of...! :)

KB said...

A good chuckle from the US over the disappearance of most of your clothes! Love the description of the combat pants.

My dogs seem to have unerring judgment when it comes to people. So, listen to Digby! Maybe you should snarl too! Just kidding...

It is very funny that "denti" was your verification word on my blog!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

I was expecting to hear that you had a supply of cut off shorts and Hawaiian shirts left.

Poor Digby - such a trial for him - trust his instinct. Remember his first instinct is to go by smell.


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Trust Digby.
He knows.

Unknown said...

I just came over from another blog and can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your posts. Great pictures of your boyz too. I look forward to reading more!

Unknown said...

can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your posts. Great pictures of your boyz too. I look forward to reading more!Challenge coins