We sat outside last night marvelling at the antics of Wilf and Digby as they attempted to chase lizards across the terrace. The boyz still can't get it into their heads that lizards can run up walls. They scurry round, noses to the ground, in an exuberant display of fruitless activity. Over a post midnight final glass of wine the 'font' wondered aloud whether we laughed nearly as much before the two boyz arrived .
It was 70's night at the village carnival last night. You knew it was 70's night because a lady with big,big gravity defying hair and a lot of makeup belted out a medley of Abba and Diana Ross songs - no one was asked to join in but everyone did. The evening ended with that really annoying modern song that contains the line ' are we human or are we dancer ?'. I thought it was dancers but the font informs me it is dancer which makes the question even more annoying in its pointlessness.
The man from the bar who always wears a string vest and black baggy shorts was there at the carnival dressed in well, string vest and black baggy shorts. I asked him what he'd come as and quick as a flash he replied 'Elvis'.Humour is still alive and kicking in Italy. I'm still chuckling this morning.
The man from the bar who always wears a string vest and black baggy shorts was there at the carnival dressed in well, string vest and black baggy shorts. I asked him what he'd come as and quick as a flash he replied 'Elvis'.Humour is still alive and kicking in Italy. I'm still chuckling this morning.
your home looks so beautiful, don't you just love the antics of dogs.....never a dull moment!
And what did you wear?
Just one look at the boys conveys the message of the heat!!
kks - they are turbocharged bundles of mischief after being housebound in this heat
ww - why do you have to ask ? My Bay City Rollers outfit.
rcsj - rain has arrived in France - it should be with us in 2 or 3 days!
such goofballs....
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