to his villa in Sardinia and according to the papers ' will be swimming for an hour a day, and enjoying low fat meals'. Elsewhere the only other issue that the Italian papers consider newsworthy is the increasingly strident attacks on plans for US healthcare reform. Town Hall meeting anger makes a much better story than a rational examination of options for Medicaid funding.
Here in the village preparations for the summer carnival proceed apace . The car park outside the church has been roped off and the first of the refreshment tents has gone up. While I was downing my morning coffee at the bar a large truck trailer arrived outside carrying the sections for the stage. This will be laboriously erected outside the church during the course of the day with a group of twenty of thirty octogenarian locals in attendance each one loudly offering advice (all of it conflicting). Posters for the this years 'acts' are being pasted on the noticeboard and the first of the festive banners has started to appear outside the village shops. The rising sense of excitement in the village is now palpable.
Posted are the first photos of the boyz taken with the new phone. When I started the blog I said that I would only use the camera in the cellular so that I could download updates quickly. To my surprise the quality hasn't been too bad although trying to get the boyz to sit still for any length of time is a challenge. In the top two pictures Digby looks particularly unhappy at being photgraphed while Wilf takes everything stoically (as long as it doesn't involve water).
The photos are great but then you have very handsome subjects hehe.
Noah x
Will the boyz be performing at the carnival?
Noah - I shan't tell them - praise will make them even more wilful than usual.
WW- Neither boyz nor owners plan to perform at the carnival. Events may however turn out differently if too much sagrantino is consumed!
Portraits! Frameable in their beauty!! And please let the boys know that Edward totally agrees with them about water. Both he and Apple simply are not interested in the least. They prefer their feet dry, thank you.
The "town hall" meetings about health care here are not quite what they seem, given the fact that most of these screamers appear to have been paid by right-wing organizations to preform. It's most discouraging as our heath care system here in the states is pretty abysmal in regards to expense and access, and not likely to improve without drastic change. As for Mr. Berlusconi's plans for a holiday of clean living....I have nothing to say!!:)
PT&E - Water aversion must be a PON thing. Fun to read that Edward starts the day with a ball in his mouth. Every morning I can't but help recognize that the boyz have got their philosophy right - live life to the full and enjoy it.
The boys look handsome regardless of of what you use to photo them.
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