Monday 23 March 2009

Wilf has had a haircut and some long overdue praise for Mr.Geithner

Wilf has now had a haircut and is feeling rather shell shocked. We used to take him to a groomer in Perugia but the owners would leave the front door open and we would be on tenter hooks worrying if he had done a runner along the main road that sits just outside- so now we do it ourselves which leaves him with a slightly 'unstructured' look. His little brother made a dash for freedom at the groomers in Avignon when we lived in the south of France and ran at high speed across the road and disappeared into the old Gothic parish church opposite. I still occasionally wake up in the middle of the night with the horrible memory of trying to coax Digby out from under the chairs at the back of the church while mass was going on at the front. That was an occasion when the rule that the French like dogs did not apply and when we discovered that the priest knew some words that we had to look up in the dictionary!

Good sensible article in this mornings Tribune by Thomas Friedman who points out that we are in a once-a-century crisis and yet the President is being criticised as if it's politics as usual. He also points out that by vilifying anyone who tries to find a way out of the mess such as the Treasury Secretary all that politicians do is ensure that no capable person will ever sign up for government service. Articles like this which remind us of public service, inspiration and duty are the perfect antidote to the pessimism and the can't do attitude that surrounds us.

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